First let me say, sorry it's been awhile. Life has been crazy lately!
Also my camera is broken so I've been taking these photos in "photo booth" so they are not great.
Avocado Club Panini:
bacon-cooked and drained
Deli Turkey-I used roasted, peppered, use whatever you like
pesto-could use whatever condiment you like
red onion-thinly sliced
good bread
cheese-I used mozzarella, could use pepper jack or whatever you like-sliced
Butter the out sides of the bread, like you would for grilled cheese. On the inside spread pesto. Layer cheese, turkey, avocado, tomato, bacon, red onion, and more cheese. I do not have a panini press so I put it on my grill pan and put another heavy pan on top to press it. I like to put the avocado and tomato in the middle so it doesn't get to warm, and the cheese right on the bread so it gets good and melty.
mmmmmmmmm. Sentry had avocados for 99 cents. I just bought three....