Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Just something that's been on my mind.

Lately I've been feeling like all I do when I get on here is post a recipe, and I think I may want this blog to be slightly more personal. Especially since food is something that I love, and I feel that being a stay at home makes cooking a major part of my "job". When I started this food blog, I was mostly looking for a distraction. In the summer of 2009, I was pregnant with my second son, Conor, and woke up one morning with "claw hands". I didn't know that it was arthritis, and not just arthritis. After many tests, Conor being born premature, and struggling with many bizarre and painful symptoms and seeing a handful of different doctors, I was finally "diagnosed" with Sarcoidosis. I use the term "diagnosed" pretty lightly, since I have experienced almost all of the symptoms characteristic to Sarcoidosis, but doctors have been unable to prove with a biopsy that I have it. At about the same time I began experiencing the bizarre symptoms, I was also diagnosed with a Panic/Anxiety Disorder that has played a major part of my life in the last few years. So because of all that going on in my life, I was hoping I could lose myself in food and this blog. However because of my health, many surgeries, flare ups, a deployment and the two darling little boys I have running around, I have not at all been able to lose myself in food! With that out there, I would like to say that at this point in time, I am healthiest I can be. I lost 40+ pounds while Sean was in Iraq, and also took the reins on my anxiety disorder, and for the most part we are following a vegetarian diet. I am enjoying everything in my life to the absolute fullest, especially my cooking! I've been trying many new things, and being more health conscious in the kitchen. I've made a few mistakes that turned out wonderfully, and all around enjoying cooking more than I ever have! With all that off my chest, I am hoping that I can incorporate a little bit more of me into this, while sharing some of my favorite recipes! :)

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