Tuesday, January 1, 2013

quick end of dec update..

Wellll, I suppose I should chat briefly about the holidays....WOO HOO! They are over. It's just such a hectic season and it definitely gets overwhelming. It was wonderful though. We had packages just pouring in everyday from family members and Christmas cards. After all the stress, it was worth it. Maybe next year we'll get it down. Kieran turned 5 on the 26th, even though we didn't celebrate it completely for a few days. He is so proud to be a 5 year old. He's such a bright child, and I always get emotional on their birthdays. But he is my first born, he will always be my baby. We had a few days of relaxing, and then last night was NYE. Last year we hosted a big party for all our friends, neighbors, it was a blast! This year was totally different. Just stayed in, our really great friend joined us and there were drinks and we rented Looper, caught up..it was really quite nice, didn't mind that we were so into the movie that we didn't even realize midnight had come and gone. This morning I woke up and right off the bat, bad upset stomach, no not upset...dying on the inside painful stomach ache. I am pretty much 100% positive I got food poisoning from some take out the other night since the kids have had funky stomachs.. and Sean too. NO bueno! It's one of our favorite little local places...Mongolian BBQ. It's one of the first places Sean took me when we got here. Small place. you get a bowl and go down the line putting the veggies and meat you want into a bowl, then the cook takes it from you and cooks it all with noodles and whatever sauce you chose right in front of you and then he packages it into a simply to go box and that's that! Buttt I won't be eating there again...this has been awful! Thank God Sean's aunt is a nurse. We call and text her all the time with sometimes really dumb health questions, and she's so patient and helps and gives advice. She's been on board as far as support goes since all the health issues started. She's so professional, but so down to earth-tells Sean and I like it is even when it's tough. So today she recommended fluids, fluids, and fluids. Started to feel a little more lively. And today, Sean has been an angel. Keeping an eye on the boys, keeping me company and medicated, and most importantly kept me calm. He is my rock. I'm not one to hide some of our issues. This blog is supposed to be real, and not just some fake image of a perfect home.One of the biggest issues that Sean and I have struggled with over the years of me being sick is how he is there for me. There are times I am in pain, in the hospital, I've had many surgeries, and he was stressed, and it showed. He was angry. he was scared. So was I. But I wanted a rock, a solid rock. But through all this we have learned eachothers triggers, and now know how to calm eachother when these mini and sometimes major health problems pop up. The 30th of January was Sean and my 6th aniversary! Can't believe how the time has flown and all we have been through. We had a baby before our first wedding aniversary, lol. The "d" word has been thrown around more than once. We have faced life and death, sickness, death, deployments and TDY's. But we have a  family, more furry babies than human, but this is just the way it should be. Sean is that man that no matter how mad at him I want to be, or am, he's the same guy I want to run to and cry about it to! We cannot escape eachother, and I don't say that in a negative way. When we met we were a wreck. Me, more than him. But somehow through everything we come out on top. How is that possible? Maybe it's luck, maybe it's fate, but for us this is just life.

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